Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Training Consultancy Services

ASCERT is a leading provider of training programmes dealing with substance misuse and other related issues. We have a wide range of training that can be accessed for free. If you cannot find a course that is suitable to you we can provide or develop bespoke programmes tailored to your specific needs. 

Services we can provide include:

  • Support to assess the training and development needs
  • The design of bespoke training to meet your requirements.
  • Delivery of training to your target audiences
  • Evaluation tools to measure learning and development
  • Training for your staff to deliver training programmes

This training is available to organisations within the statutory, voluntary, community and private sectors

We can provide the following bespoke training for your organisation/group priced according to your needs. 

Examples of courses

These are just a few examples from our catalogue of training programmes that we can provide for your organisation.

Having effective conversations about change

For many front-line workers a key objective is the promotion of health, wellbeing and positive change, yet often they encounter people who are reluctant, ambivalent or resistant to change. The aim of this workshop is to strengthen workers’ knowledge, skills and confidence to offer opportunistic brief advice or engage in effective conversations about change which could improve health, wellbeing and relationships and improve the uptake of support services. The programme explores the confidence, skills and challenges of raising and exploring difficult topics with clients and dealing with the reaction that can follow.

Managing potentially violent situations

This course is appropriate for all professionals and volunteers working with adults in crisis within social care or settings where there is a risk of disorderly behaviour arising from substance issues. Using interactive delivery with real life examples this course will enable workers to promote safety  and manage potentially violent situations including:

  • Preventing crisis situations from arising
  • Understanding the Conflict Cycle and how to resist this
  • Understanding the types of aggression people display
  • De-escalation techniques to defuse conflict
  • How to best to respond to keep self and others safe when a service user is in crisis
  • Post crisis response: helping service users learn, grow and change
  • Consideration of legal context


This half-day training in suicide alertness helps participants recognize a person with thoughts of suicide and connects them with resources that can help them in choosing to live. Participants do not need any formal preparation to attend; anyone aged 15 years or older who wants to make a difference can learn the Safe Talk steps.


Many workers or volunteers canfind themselves in situations where a person is at risk of suicide and they need to intervene to help that person. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (ASIST) is an evidence based 2-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may be at risk of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants do not need any formal training to attend the workshop – ASIST can be learned and used by anyone.

Training for staff working in licensed premises

ASCERT can provide staff working in both on and off-sales settings with a variety of bespoke training that includes licensing authority requirements, knowledge about the physiological, behavioural, and social effects of alcohol, the implications of mixing alcohol with other drugs, how to deal with customers who are drunk, community safety implications, and possible support services for vulnerable customers.


Training Testimonials

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