Understanding The Misuse of Cocaine and Crack Cocaine
Aims Of The Course
This course will provide a more in-depth understanding of cocaine and crack cocaine, their effects, risks/harms associated with their misuse, and harm reduction strategies. Participants should already have a basic knowledge of drugs and alcohol before completing this course.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe the prevalence of cocaine and crack- cocaine misuse in Northern Ireland
- Identify ways these drugs are misused and their effects
- Identify risks and harms for the user associated with the misuse of cocaine and crack cocaine
- Explain key harm reduction strategies
- Identify local substance misuse services
Course Eligibility / Relevance
How this course will be delivered: This 3-hour interactive course will be delivered VIA ZOOM to a small group of up to 15 learners.
Included in This Course
- Course Materials (Digital Download)
- PDF Certificate On Completion
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